DND 5E Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Sigil and The Outlands Scan - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)



Cnrorrs Proiect Leads: Justice Ramin Arman,


Wesley Schneider

Art Director: EmiTanji

Writers: Justice Ramin Arman, Dan Dillon, F. Wesley Schneider Developers: Christopher Perkins, Jeremy Crawford Lead Editor: Adrian Ng Editors: Judy Bauer, Janica Carter, Christopher Perkins Graphic Designer: Matt Cole Cover lllustrators: Tony DiTerlizzi, Tyler Iacobson lnterior lllustrators: Alfven Ato, Luca Bancone, Alix Branwyn, Bruce Brenneise, Kai Carpenter, CoupleOfKooks, Nikki Dawes, Max Dunbar, Michele Ciorgi, Oksana Kerro, PINDURSKI, One Pixel Brush, Sam Keiser, Linda Lithen, Adriän lbarra Lugo, Warren Mahy, Robson Michel, Calder Moore, Riccardo Moscatello, Martin Mottet, Vicki Pangestu, Mike Pape, Claudio Pozas, Noor Rahman, Matias Tapia, Terraform Studios, ZuzannaWuzyk Cartographer: Jared Blando Poster Map Cartographer: Francesca Baerald Concept Art Directors: Josh Herman, Emi Tanji ConceptArtists: Eric Belisle, Dmitry Burmak, Ekaterina Burmak, Max Dunbar, Alex Konstad, Juho Laitila, lzzy Medrano, One Pixel Brush, Noor Rahman, John Tedrick, Terraform Studios, Shawn Wood Consultants: Michele Carter, Rico Coraz6n, Basheer Chouse, Jonathan S. Tomhave Proiect Engineer: Cynda Callaway lmaging Technicians: Daniel Corona, Kevin Yee Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap



D&D Sruoro

Executive Producer: Kyle Brink Game Architects: Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins Studio Art Director: Josh Herman Art Manager: Rob Sather Art Department: Matt Cole, Trystan Falcone, Bree Heiss, Kate lrwin, Bob )ordan, Noor Rahman, Emi Tanii, Trish Yochum Design Department: Justice Ramin Arman, Makenzie De Armas, Dan Dillon, Amanda Hamon, Ron Lundeen, Ben Petrisor, Patrick Renie, F. \(esley Schneider, Carl Sibley, Jason Tondro, ,ames Wyatt Managing Editor: Judy Bauer Editorial Department: Eytan Bernstein, Janica Carter, Adrian Ng Senior Producer: Dan Tovar Producers: Bill Benham, Siera Bruggeman, Robert Hawkey, Andy Smith, Cabe Waluconis Director of Product Management: Liz Schuh Product Managers: Natalie Egan, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross, Chris Tulach Special thanks to Michele Carter; Lisa Ohanian; Black lsle Studios, the creators of Planescape: Torment; and the hundreds of playtesters who made this a better book!

Additional thanks to the original Pianescape setting designers, including Richard Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Tim Beach, l(aren Boomgarden, Michele Carter, David "Zeb" Cook, Monte Cook, Tony DiTerlizzl. Dale Donovan,leffCrubb, Andria Hayday, Dori Jean Hein. Brian Korval, Rob Lazzaretti, Co in McComb, Dawn Murin, rk post. Robh Rrcpe, J. \1. Sa sbury, Bill S avicsek, Lester Smith, Rick S',,,ar. Rar \'a ese. la"rles \l'ard. Sue \\iei: ein, Skip Wll iams. Steve t.r,,-ie.. Da.,d \.,, S€. a-C -a-! rcre .

On rns Covrn


Sigil's enigmatic ruler, the Lady of Pain, looms before the planar metropolis and its curving skyline in this painting by Tyler Jacobson

On this cover, Tony DiTerlizzi depicts the Lady of Pain in her iconic bladed headdress. The expressionless Lady's inner machinations are unknowable.

620D2437000003 EN ISBN: 978-0-7859-6904-3

First Printing: October 2023

987 654321



rxs Alr-Coven

Disclaimer: The factions ofthe City of Doors are nat responsib . i.. : .....: .. : i:.: : ..'., i with accidento lly ha p penin g upon th e Ca ge. Pl ease c o nst ii t T ., r : : : :,' - :.. :. : :. :. : : '.'. -:onyofthefollowing:upselslomach,nausea,existeniiaiot,ai:.:..... sistible urge ta wax paetic abaut philosophies relatt rg :: :. , ;. . ; . . /:.

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DUNCEONS & DRACONS, D&D, Wizards ofthe Coast, Planescape, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Manstet Mantal. Dr.!.:, Coast product ratres, thelr respective ogos, and The World's Createst Ro eplaying Came are trademarks ofW zards ofthe Co:s: . .-. _::

thelrdistinctivelikenessesarepropertyofWizardsoftheCoast.ThismateraisprotectedunderthecopyrightawsoftheUr:e:S::::::.:.-: use ofthe material or artwork contained herein is prohibited wlthout the express written pertrlssion ofW zards ofthe Co:s: Printed in China. O2023 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by: Hasi.. Sr. Represented by: Hasbro. De Entree 240. ll0l EE Amsterdam. NL. Hasbro UK Ltd., P.O. Box 43 Newport. NPtg ryt. U{ leu en anglais. Contenu: L FABRIQUE EN CHINE

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ite Doors to Adventure.................... 4



,: . Planescape?.................................. 4 - : - lhls 8ook.......................................... 4 - :: T:uths..... 5 .:' of the Mu1tiverse...... 5 r

Unitl' of Rings,


Rule of Threes





..-.-,undS..... llate Warden



Flanar Phi1osopher........

..........8 Cieating Your o*" F^",i;;..::::. ..........8 Ftars ................ ........10 -\genr of Order.............................. ........10 tsaleful Scion................ ........10 Cohort of Chaos............................ ........10 tlutlands Envoy .............. ........10 Flanar Wanderer.......................... ........11

Richteous Heritor ........................ ........ 1 1 Scion of the Outer P1anes.......... ........12 72 \iagic.................. 12


Gate Seal...

\[agic Items... \Iimi r..........





23 24

Doomguard Fated.....

13 ...... lJ

:ra1 Compass....................... .. ...

-rsorJ r


.. 13

Stone.................................... 13

Sigil. the City of Doors ............... 14

Ithere Is Sigil?..


Sigil at a Glance


15 Features of Sigi1........... -\lterations to Magic .............................. 15 - :'e in Sigil......... t6 Inhabitants...... t6 C,Lrrrency and Trade............................... 16 Sen ices........... t6 Getting Around....................................... 16 - anguage ......................17

Portal Keys........ Poi-ra1 Quirks

Minor Factions..................................... Sigil Gazetteer ..................................... Clerks'Ward.. Clerks'Ward Factions Clerks' Ward Locations ............. Hive Ward...... Hive Ward Factions...............-..... Hive Ward Locations.................. Lady's Ward... Lady's Ward Factions................. Lady's Ward Locations...............


Lower Ward Factions 46 Lower Ward Locations........ ............. 47 Market Ward..... 51 Market Ward Factions.................. ...51 Market Ward Locations............... ...52 Undersigil ...56 Undersigil Locations .................... ...56 Adventures in Sigi1............. ...58 Adventure Hooks .............. ...58 Faction Missions......... ...58 Sigil CaIamities.................................. ...58 Encounters in Sigi1............ ...59






Curst ...............

...62 ...64 ,,.66



Summoning in the Cage.. Pla nar Portals T.e+ Lad-v ol Pain...................

.... 18

The Mazes Locking the Cage.............. Xnterfering with the Lady Factions of Sigi1....................

Mind's Eye Society of Sensation Transcendent Order........................

26 .....27 ..,,.27 .....28 ..,,.28 .....29 .....30 .....30 .....30 .....34 .....34 .....35 .....40 .....40 ..,,.41 .....46


Crear ing a Porta1...............

Dabus ..............


Ch.3: The Outlands Life in the Outlands

I ocal Nuisances..................................... 17

.... 19

....20 ....20 ....20 ,.,,20 ,.,,20 ,.,,22


Glorium.......... Hopeless........

Rigus Sylvania

Character Options ......................... 6





8ed1am........... Ecstasy......................




88 90



Other Realms Caverns of Thought .....

94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94


Court of Light Dendradis Flowering Hi11.....................

The Great pu""..................... Gzemnid's Ma2e................... Hidden Rea1m.......................

Labyrinth of Life...................

95 95 95 95

Mausoleum of Chronepsis. Moradin's 4nvi1..................... Realm of the Norns ............. River Ma'at.....

96 96 96 96 96 96 96

Semua nya's Bog...................

The Spire....... Thebestys...............

Vale of the Spine Walking Castles Wonderhome.


Maps Map 2.1: Elloweth Theater in the Civic Festhall . ..............32 Map2.2: Hal1 of Vigils in the



Map 2.3: Spire of the Grixitt in the

Prison 44 Map 2.4: Mithral Tower in the Great Foundry ..............49 Map 2.5: Grounds of the Great Gymnasium.................................. 55


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' | ' everything beyond. Encompassing worlds :11 planes, life, and death, the multiverse's in-

-i:l':l, finite infinities brim with wonder, terror, se-


possibility. Every D&D adventure takes place in the multiverse. Beyond the lone worlds of the Material Plane are countless other realities and the paths and portals that connect every edge of eternity. Those who seek the wonders of the planes take their first step into the endless possibilities of a Planescape campaign. crets, and-above

Wnan Is PTexESCAPE? Planescape is the D&D multiverse and so much more. Beyond the Great Wheel cosmologl'(detailed inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide). Planescape focuses on reality-bending adventures and aesthetics unbound from those of mortal u-or1ds. Just as other D&D settings highlight certain concepts but can host any genre of adventure or st1'1e of p1a1'. the same is true of Pianescape. Adr-entures in Planescape campaigns often focus on the iollori' ing themes: Backstage of Reality. Planescape adr-entures provide glimpses of the dai11'1ir-es of unfathomabie

beings-1ike gods. angels. and demons-and houthey act (and interact) u-hen mortals aren t their primary concern. The mvsterie s of life and the afterlife are wide11- knou,n to these creatures. Everywhere at Once. Planescape adventures span worlds, planes, and possibilities. Trar-e1 betr'r,een incredible realms is common, especialll'r,ia portal-rich locales like Sigil and the Outlands (detailed in this book). Adventurers are likely to see multiple impossible sights everl- dar'.

Mrurns: Gutors ro rHE Pllttss rs-magica l, sku

-sh a ped, fact-col lecti n g d eaccompany you through this product. These magic items are detailed in chapter I of this book, and they offer details about remarkable realms and candid snippets from residents ofthe planes. The various mimirimages that appear in these books denote recorded quotes that include widely agreed-upon facts and the personal-though perhaps inaccurateopinions ofthe attributed planar travelers. Use these insights to inform your understanding ofthe planes or as quotes to share via mimirs in your game. M im i



Multiversal Scale. In Planescape adventures, dangers might threaten countless worlds, or the fate of the multiverse might hang in the balance. By the same token, wonders are commonplace, and true marvels are often wild in the extreme. No Single Truth. The multiverse makes room for everything, and beliefs manifest as fantastic creatures. Planescape adventures often pit philosophies against one another and highlight subjective views. Situations might encourage characters to reexamine their beliefs in the face of plane-spanning philosophies, conflicts, and revelations. Power and Possibility. The planes are home to beings of phenomenal power, yet the smallest things make a difference. Although adventurers might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of the multiverse, their choices hold the power to change reality. Stage ofCoatradictions. In Planescape adventures, Celestials might be evil, Fiends might be apathetic, and yetis might sell snow cones. What you do defines you, not what others assume about you.

Everything D&D. Anything from any D&D setting and anything you can imagine might appear in Planescape adventures. Characters might encounter D&D's greatest characters and monsters in situations where they're not pitted against one another.

You'll see these concepts highlighted throughout this book and its companions. Use these themes as guides and encouragement as you explore Sigil and the Outlands, and as you develop your own wonderfully wild Planescape adventures.

UsrNc THrs


This book is a gateway to adventures across the multiverse, with a focus on two thresholds to the planes: Sigil, also called the City of Doors, and the Outlands, which acts as the hub of the Outer Planes. Consult ttre Dun§eon Master's Guide for general details about the planes and their organization. DMs can determine how much of this book they want to share with their players. Characters native to a Material Plane world might know nothing of the details herein, while experienced planar explorers could know everything in this book. This introduction presents an overview of information vital to all who wander the planes.





Axerrs, oevrrs;äüo EELAX IN THE

.*' Chapter 1 provides players with details on how to .-ate characters suited to a Planescape campaign. -. Dresents the Gate Warden and Planar Philoso- -.tr backgrounds, feats inspired by the planes, and --.


-,r11ection of spells and magic items appropriate

: planar travelers. Chapter 2 introduces the mind-boggling city of

:'i1. the enigmatic Lady of Pain, and various other ::r' inhabitants. Chapter 3 presents the Outlands, a neutral plane .. the center of the Great Wheel, along with details r the gate-towns communities at the thresholds

:he Outer Planes-and other incredible realms.

Tnnpn Tnurns

- inite possibility doesn't mean infinite complexity. - :t residents of Sigil and planar travelers know the :' ..r1tir-erse follows three basic principles. Reality's ,..st complexity and the limits of individual perspec'' t might obscure these principles, but those with .: time and patience to learn from the multiverse's ,, ries eventually rcalize these truths.




at the center of the multiverse? Nothing

..rd everything.

themselves the center of everything. They're correct, in a sense: wherever you stand is the most important place in existence-at least, for you.

Ilt{gX qt



Systems, cycles, orbits, planes, lives, even the city of Sigil itself-the multiverse is composed of infinite rings. Whether these are physical or philosophical rings, the elements of the multiverse have no beginning or end, and if you follow any for long enough, you'll return to where you started.

RulB or



When things happen, they happen in threes. You might not always be able to perceive or understand how events are related, but somewhere, sometime, or somehow, every action has two partners. Often this isn't worth worrying about. Other times, nothing matters more.

"Th;".j, l.appe" i" thi,eer. $irple e^o,.jh? lI't ^ol lo.3ical, b,r aLroolt al*eyi fr",e." *&o"aJiic of $i1il, pla*ar



The multiverse is an infinite expanse, and nothing .-n litera11y be at the center of infinity. Nevertheless,

-,untless worlds, faiths, and narcissists consider

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ENFoRcERs ovER THE Roops

op 5tctu.


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adventures set in Sigil or the Outlands, you can choose from any options the D&D game provides, including those de. :r this chapter. As always, check with your .. :e creating a character to make sure the > ,, ou prefer are available.


r,-iCKGROUNDS : :-: iron presents two -


backgrounds for 1st-leve1 :rs ri'ith strong ties to Sigil, the Outlands, or -. Gate Warden and the Planar Philosopher. r :elect either of these backgrounds, you -: :tat specified in its description. If the back-

- -- '.-', ,:,u choose doesn't provide a feat, you gain '-. :e at of your choice from the options below - -:scribed in the Player's Handbook): -: --'E \\.rn»nN


' -'

:i-srrer Planescape Campai§n

-- -.rr a significant amount of time somewhere i :- - : I br- intense planar forces or a portal to -: -': :lane of existence, such as one of the gate' . : rhe Outiands. You're accustomed to expe- :: rrät rl-ould leave others reeling in terror or ' .. ::td br,otherworldly beauty, and you're as ' ...b1e dealing with Celestials and Fiends as -,i ith ., -'. the vendors in town (who might be one -

= same).

Slitl Proficiencies:

Persuasion, Survival -:nguages: Two of your choice (Abyssal, Celestial, - -: .:na1 recommended) : :.uipment: A ring of keys to unknown locks, a , '-r book. an ink pen or quill, a bottle of black :- : Srt of traveler's clothes, and a pouch con-

, ::- 10 gp



.- - --


,RE: PLANAR INFUSIoN :1 a gate-town or a similar location steeped

-:lanar energy. You gain the Scion of the -.: ?ianes feat (presented later in this chapter). ., - r::ron. 1'ou know where to find free, modest .: :--: and food in the community you grew up in.





Burrorxc e G-trn JMRnonN Cnenecrnn Those who dwell for an extended time near a permanent portal to another plane absorb the essence radiating from the realm beyond. Those influenced by the same plane share similarities in behavior and even physical appearance. Su§§ested Chatactefistics. The influence of an Outer Plane shapes your perspective. The Gate Warden Personality Traits table suggests traits you might adopt for your character.

Glre WnnoEN PERSoNALTTY Tnlrrs d5 Personality Trait 1 Strange events and otherworldly creatures


faze me.


think in terms of exchange: something for something, nothing for nothing.

3 4

I speak with an unusual cadence.


I pepper my speech with words or curses borrowed from planar languages.


l've seen enough to know that you can't take anyone at face value, so I scrutinize everyone.


I have a superstitious habit I picked up

from my

gate-town, such as touching iron when l'm nervous or arranging objects in a specific order.

Gate Warden Trinkets. When you make your character, you can ro11 once on the Gate Warden Trinkets table, instead of on the Trinkets table in the Player's Handbook, for your starting trinket.

GlrE MnoEN

d5 2



A small lead ingot that has a strange thumbprint pressed into it and whispers when held tightly


Two lodestone spheres that chime when they

attract each other


A smoldering pebble of coal that, while always hot,

5 6

A feather that sheds

doesn't burn skin, fur, scales, or clothing

dim light in a 5-foot radius

A ring made from a chain link that, once donned, won't come offwithout pulling painfully hard

Srcll FncrroN AFFrNrrrEs


Faction Athar Bleak Cabal Doomguard Fated Fraternity of Order Hands of Havoc Harmonium Heralds of Dust Mercykillers Mind's Eye Society of Sensation Transcendent Order

Skill Religion

lnsight Nature

lntimidation History Stealth Perception Medicine Survival Persuasion Performance


FecrroNs oF SrGrL

@s B


Twelve factions have risen to prominence in the City of Doors, though many more exist. Your character might belong to one of these groups or another ideological faction, perhaps one of your own creation. The primary factions of Sigil, which are further detailed in chapter 2, adhere to the following




Athar. Deities are frauds and merely channel the might of a true, higher power. Bleak Cabal. There is no greater truth to the multiverse. Each being must discover their own meaning.

Doomguard. Nothing lasts forever. The purpose of Gir= }jnsüar.i Fi?.]fr : *f (L+?;1jY G3ag-i;sN *. i":e pEL€5: fät:'.-a: i !i; äii,:r.laE cr ;rr *i::: a+::.


PreNeB PnrrosoPHER Prerequisite: Planescape Campai§n You subscribe to a philosophy that seeks to understand the nature of the planes or some hidden truth of the multiverse. You draw strength from your conviction and, perhaps, a network of like-minded thinkers, such as the factions of Sigil (summarized below). In your travels, you explore the depths of your understanding and spread your philosophy

wherever you go.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, the skill associated with your faction (see the Sigil Faction Affinities

table) or one skill ofyour choice Languages: Two ofyour choice

Equipment: A portal key (such as a bag of golden tea leaves or the tooth of a planar beast), a manifesto of your guiding philosophy, a set of common clothes in your faction's style, and a pouch containing 10 gp worth of coins from different worlds and planes


(:'rl,\PTFR I i t



everything is to crumble and decay. Fated. Everyone makes their own fate and is entitled to whatever they can take and hold. Fraternity of Order. All of existence is governed by laws, and power comes from understanding and exploiting them. Hands of Havoc. Those who try to impose a single order on the multiverse are doomed to fail. Harmonium. The multiverse will be perfect only when everything is acting in harmony, whether it wants to or not. Heralds of Dust. Everyone is already dead; the entirety of the multiverse is an afterlife. Undeath holds the key to the next stage of existence.

Mercykillers. Cold, relentless justice is absolute, and no one is above it.

Mind's Eye. The multiverse exists to be explored. It shapes us, and we shape it in turn. Society of Sensation. Sensation is the proof of existence. By experiencing everything, we can under-

stand the multiverse in all its complexity. Transcendent Order. Thought clouds action. To fall in step with the multiverse, one must act on instinct alone.

FnArunr, CoNvrcrroN

Cnrlrrruc Youn Owru Flcrroru

You gain the Scion of the Outer Planes feat (presented later in this chapter). In addition, members of your organization provide you free, modest lodging and food at any of their holdings or the homes of

ln Sigil, ideologies wax and wane over time, gaining popularity and drawing like-minded philosophers from one faction to another-the only constant in the City of Doors is the Lady of Pain herself. lf you'd like to create and be part ofyour own faction, ask your DM about doing just that. Your faction should include the following details:

other faction members.

BurrorNc A PLANAR Pnrrosopnnn CnenecrBn


Some groups of planar philosophers might prefer certain types ofcharacters, but by and large any character who upholds and furthers the beliefs of such a group is welcome within its ranks.

Su§§ested Characterisdcs. Adventurers who

. .

A core philosophy centered on an assumption or fun-

damental truth about the multiverse or its workings A building that serves as the faction's headquarters in the City of Doors A faction leader (called a factol) who embodies the faction's beliefs

dedicate themselves to a particular philosophy regarding the multiverse are welcomed among factions that embrace those beliefs. The Planar Philosopher Personality Traits table suggests various traits you might adopt for your character.

Pllruln PnrlosopnER PERsoNALtry Tnlrrs d5 I 2 3 4

Personality Trait

don't venerate any gods. !(ith time, we can be as powerful as them or greater. I

Experience is everything; live in the moment. When things crumble, I find meaning in the dust. Life thrives through order, and I seek

to maintain

that order.


When others make plans, the multiverse laughs and so do



I know what's right, and none will stand in my way.

Planar Philosopher Trinkets. When you make j,lur character, you can ro11 once on the Planar Philosopher Trinkets table, instead of on the Trin-ets table in the Player's Handbook, for your start-rg trinket.


d5 I

Ps rr-osopn ER TRI N KETs

Trinket Locket with a picture of my mentor and an inscrip-

tion I can't read


Bleached cranium rat skull with colored glass beads in its eye sockets

3 4 5 6

Torn parchment with half a rebus painted on it Bracelet of twisted razorvine stems Fragment of a bronze blade covered in verdigris Broken holy symbol of a forgotten god

l1 pr,tHaa FHiLi:scFHEi? FsRdEt


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Cononr oF CHAos

This section introduces feats related to the forces of the pianes. These feats are available to you whenever you normally choose a feat, and they follow the feat rules in the Player's Handbook.

Fner DrscnrpuoNS These feats are presented in alphabetical order.

AcnNr oF

ORDER Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes (Lawful Outer Plane) Feat You can channel cosmic forces of order to gain these benefits:

Ability Score Increase. Increase an ability score of

your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. Stasis Strike. Once per turn, when you damage a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself, you can deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target, and it must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + the modifier of the spellcasting ability you chose for the Scion of the Outer P1anes feat) as spectral bindings try to ensnare it. On a successful save, the target escapes. On a failed save, the target has the restrained condition until the start ofyour next turn. These bindings manifest as chains or some other symbol of stasis. You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes (Chaotic Outer Plane) Feat You can channel cosmic forces of chaos to gain these benefits:

Ability Score Increase. Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. Chaotic Flare. When you roll a 1 or a 20 on an

attack ro11 or a saving throw, the magic of chaos flows through you. Roll a d4 and consult the Chaotic Flares table to determine what happens. A flare lasts until the end ofyour next turn, and a new flare can't occur until after the first flare ends.

Cxaorrc Fllnrs d4 Flare I Battle Fury. A creature

ofyour choice that you can see is filled with reckless fury. lt has advantage on attack rolls and disadvantage on ability checks.


Disruption Field. Waves of energy ripple around you. Every creature that starts its turn within 5 feet ofyou, or that moves into that area for the first time on a turn, takes ld8 force damage.


Unbound. When you move, you can use some or all of your walking speed to teleport yourself once, along with any equipment you're wearing or car-

rying, up to the distance used to an unoccupied space that you can see.


Wailing Winds. Winds swirl in a l5-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You and any other crea-

tures in that area have disadvantage on Wisdom

Bernrur ScroN Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes

(Evil Outer Plane) Feat

saving throws.

OurreNos ENvoY

You can channel cosmic forces of evil to gain these benefits:

Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes (The Outlands) Feat

Ability Score Increase. Increase an ability score of

You have spent significant time in Sigil or the Outlands, the crossroads of the multiverse. Being steeped in converging planar energies grants you these benefits:

your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. Grasp ofAvarice. Once per turn, when you damage a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself, you can also deal necrotic damage to it. The necrotic damage equals 1d6 + your proficiency bonus, and you regain a number of hit points equal to this necrotic damage dealt. You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Ability Score Increase. Increase an ability score of

your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. Crossroads Emissary. You learn the misty step and ton§ues spells. You can cast each spell once using

this feat without a spel1 slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast that spell in this way again. When you cast ton§ues using this feat, you require no material components. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is the one chosen when you gained the Scion of the Outer Planes feat.




i.rl't.{al aP I I {.ilAB-lilTl:ll


lN rxe srnuccrE BETWEEN cHAos aNo oRoER, Two GrrH waRRroRS BATTLE sLAAor oN THE pLANE oF LtMBo.


PrRNen-WewoBnnn Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes Feat You can draw on the forces of the multiverse to survive cosmic extremes and to traverse its infinite realms, granting you these benefits:

Planar Adaptation. When you finish a long rest, you gain resistance to either acid, cold, or fire damage (your choice) until you finish your next long rest. Portal Cracker. Your experience with portals allows you to open them without a portal key. As an action, you can concentrate on a portal you're aware of that is within 5 feet of yourself and make aDC 20Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a failed check, you take 3d8 psychic damage and can't use this benefit on that portal again until you finish a long rest. On a successful check, you can force the portal open or closed for t hour. For that duration, the portal doesn't respond to its portal key unless a creature employing the key succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check as an action.

Portal Sense. You know the direction to the last planar portal you used while you and the portal are on the same plane of existence. Moreover, as an action, you can detect the location of any portals within 30 feet of you that aren't behind total cover. Once you detect a portal with this action, you can't use the action again until you finish a

long rest.

RrGntuous HERIToR Prerequisites: 4th Level, Scion of the Outer Planes (Good Outer Plane) Feat You can channel cosmic forces of good to gain these benefits:

Ability Score Increase. Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. Soothe Pain. When you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d10 I your proficiency bonus. You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, agd you regain all expended uses when yoh finish a long rest.

C-!jÄpl"rt I I altAtAC t'in O!'i iO§g . li


ScroN oF THE Ournn PreNns Prerequisite : Pla

ne sc ap e C ampai§n

Your connection to an Outer Plane infuses you with the energy there. Choose a type of plane listed in the Planar Infusion table. Your choice gives you resistance to a damage type and the ability to cast a cantrip, as specified in the table. You can cast this cantrip without material components, and your spellcasting ability for it is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when you select this feat).

Pllruln lurusrott

Magic on the planes largely functions as it does in other D&D settings, though some exceptions exist in Sigil (see chapter 2). The following sections present spells and magic items the DM can provide for planar travelers.

Sprrls The Spe11s table shows which classes can cast the spelis in this section and the levels of those spells. The table also notes the school of magic of each spel1.


Damage Resistance


Chaotic Outer Plane


Minor illusion

Evil Outer Plane


Chill touch

Cood Outer Plane


Lawful Outer Plane

Fo rce


The Outlands

Psych ic

Mage hand


Spells Level





Warp sense


Sorcerer, warlock,

Sacred Jlame

A pLANAa caRToGRApHER oH a Lowee PlaNe asxs a prr FrENo FoQ orR€crloNs






Sorcerer, warlock,


Garn Seer 4th-Level Abjuration

Castiog Tfune: 1 minute Range 60 feet Components: V S, M (a broken portal key, which the spell consumes)

Duration: 24 hours You fortify the fabric of the planes in a 3O-foot cube you can see within range. Within that area, portals close and can't be opened for the duration. Spells and other effects that allow planar travel or open portals, such as §afe or plane shift, fall if used to enter or leave the area. The cube is stationary. At Hi§her Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the spell lasts until

dispelled. JMr.np SBwsn 2nd-Level Divination

Casting Time:

1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a razorvine leaf) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute For the duration, you sense the presence of portals, even inactive ones, within 30 feet of yourself. Ifyou detect a portal in this way, you can use your action to study it. Make a DC 15 ability check using your spellcasting ability. On a successful check, you learn the destination plane of the portal and what portal key it requires, then the spell ends. On a failed check, you learn nothing and can't study that portal again using this spell until you cast it again. The spell can penetrate most barriers but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. :*

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Mecrc Irnus This section describes magic items likely to be found in Sigil and the Outlands.

Mrurn Wondrous ltem,. Rare (Requires Attunement)

This skull-shaped device is filled with knowledge.

The device weighs 5 pounds and is covered with subtle etchings of planar sigils. As a bonus action, you can toss the device into the air, whereupon it floats at a distance of 1d3 feet from you and you can access its properties. While the mimir is floating, a creature other than you can use an action to grasp or net the device, either by making a successful unarmed strike against AC 22 or a successful DC 22 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. You can use a bonus action to seize and stow the device. The device has AC 22,25 hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and resistance to all other damage. It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it is floating near you. Esoteric Knowled§e. While the device is floating, you can use an action to cast üe§end lore from the device. The device speaks the revealed lore aloud. Once this property has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn. Planar Knowled§e. The device knows basic, usefu1 information about the planes of existence. While the device is floating, it verbally answers questions you or anyone you designate poses to it about that topic. It knows the information about the planes in the Dun§eon Master's Guide, as well as basic information about the gate-towns of the Outlands (presented in chapter 3 of this book).

ä**;*i {cs;,*ss

Ponrer Coupess Wondrous ltem, Uncommon

This portable arcane instrument points in the direction of the last portal it passed through while it and the portal are on the same plane of existence. If that portal no longer exists, the needle becomes static until the compass passes through a new portal.

SnNsonv SroNn Wondrous ltem, Uncommon

This small, smooth stone contains the essence of a tu,iH;&


u& @F


single experience. As an action, you or a willing creature you designate can touch the stone and experience the sensation as if it happened to the designated creature. The illusory experience is fleeting and harmless, however real it might feel in the moment. Record Sensation. You can use your reaction to record a short sensation lasting no longer than 6 seconds experienced by a creature ofyour choice within 30 feet of yourself, infusing the essence of that experience into the stone. This replaces any sensation already stored within the stone. Siphon Sensation. As a bonus action, you can draw on the stone's magic to end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself, de stone in the process





Sigil, the Cit3r Gf Doors IGIL IS THE CROSSROADS OF THE multiverse, a city at the center of the Great

Wheel. Connected to every plane of existence and the infinite worlds among them, the City of Doors brims with commerce, travel, schemes, and adventure. Sigil is commonly referred to as the Cage because the only way into or out of the city is through one of its countless portals-pathways controlled by the enigmatic Lady of Pain.

lMnpnn Is Srcrr? Sigil simultaneously exists at the center of the Great Wheel and nowhere. In the middle of the Outlands, an impossibly tall needle of a mountain, the Spire, rises into the sky. Sigil floats above the apex of the Spire, barely visible from the ground, constructed on the inside of a massive stone torus. Attempts to ascend to the city by climbing or flight are futile, as are efforts to reach the top of the Spire.

Srcrr AT A GraNcn Once inside the city, a visitor is greeted by a vast urban tangle of bladed buildings in a wild array of architectural styles. Built within a great ring, the city curves before and behind observers, as ifthey stood in a bowl or valley, stretching upward and disappearing into an industrial haze. On a clear day, a creature that looks upward sees the other side of the city, curving far overhead. Visitors can find this reality unsettling. There are no suns, moons, stars, or other celestial bodies in the sky above Sigil, though city lights twinkle above in the darkest hours. Sigil is built to the edges of the ring, forming a wal1 of structures along its border. Anyone who climbs atop this outer wall of buildings can look out over the edge into an empty sky. Few who cross the edge are ever heard from again. Those who pass over the edge don't end up in the Outlands; rather, they are flung to random corners of the planes.

Srcrr, Posrnn Map Inciuded with this book is a poster map of Sigil. The city's ever-changing nature and its myriad portals render concepts like distance, size, and travel time irrelevant. How long it takes to get from point to point in Sigil is up to the DM. Prominent sites of interest are noted on the map, but countless other locations fill the city's ever-shifting streets, which the DM can detail.

Fnerunrs oF Srcrr, Sigil has the following features: Day and Night. Sigil observes a 24-hour day-night cycle. The sky gradually fills with luminescence during the day and fades into deep darkness at night. This light isn't sunlight. Sigil's brightest and darkest points in time are known as peak and antipeak. Gravity. Objects are pulled toward whichever section of the city's ground is closest. Weather. Fog, smog, and drizzle-the most weather variation Sigil sees-gather at ground level and limit visibility to 1d6 x 50 feet on the murkiest of days. The temperature varies between balmy and chilly year-round and rarely nears extremes.

ArrrxRuoNs To MAGrc Planar magic works differently in Sigil. The following magical restrictions apply there:

Banishment. Effects that banish a target from Sigil treat the target as if Sigil were its home plane. Extradimensional Space. Extradimensional spaces, demiplanes, and pocket dimensions-such as those created by a ba§ of holdin§ or the rope fnbk spell-function within Sigil, but those spaces follow all these restrictions as if they were part of the city.

Planar Travel. Effects that allow interplanar travel, such as astral projection or plane shift,fail ifused to try to enter or leave Sigil, with one exception (see the "Teleportation Circles" section below).

Summoning. Spells, magic items, and effects that summon creatures or objects from other planes, such as a rin§ of djinni summonin§, instead summon targets from within Sigil if possible or otherwise fail. Effects that summon a specific target from outside Sigil, as with a Leomund's secret cftesf spell, fail automatically. Tbleportation. Attempts to teleport into or out of Sigil fail, but such magic functions normally when used to teleport within the city.

Teleportation Circles. Permanent teleportation circles exist within Sigil, but attempts to create new ones fail. Those with permission can use them to enter the city via the plane sluff spell but not to leave.

LrpE rN Srcrr Creatures from every corner ofthe planes live and toil in the City of Doors, bringing fragments of their cultures to the multiversai hub. Over eons, these cultural tenets have blended and evolved into a unique way of life made possible by the myriad portals that exist at the Lady of Pain's sufferance.

INrrasrrANTS Sigil is the backstage of the multiverse. Celestials and Fiends share drinks in genie-owned taverns, agents of evil gods trot through the streets astride nightmares, and hags stable faerie steeds alongside pegasi and beasts of living stone. As a result of this mingling, fundamentally incompatible parts of the multiverse come into direct contact. They don't always clash, but when they do, authorities maintain order and stifle cosmic peril. Only when these eruptions threaten the city on a grand scale does the Lady of Pain intervene. Humans are the earliest known inhabitants of the City of Doors. Some sages track the existence and spread of humans bac{< to Sigil itsell rather than to a deity or its creations.

Various factions handle the day-to-day governance of Sigil, enforcement of 1aws, and maintenance of civic infrastructure. These groups each follow a philosophy inspired by a cosmic aspect of the multiverse, and they actively recruit visitors and citizens into their ranks. Gods and godlike figures-including archdevils and demon lords-can't enter Sigil by any means. However, their schemes and influence still find their way into the city through their agents.

CunnnNcv eN» Tne»n Neither port nor proximity dictates trade in the City of Doors, granting its merchants and artisans access to the planes and their wondrous offerings. Woodcarvers whittle toys from golden trees toppled in Arborea, blacksmiths forge weapons from infernal ingots, and tavern chefs cook halfling recipes passed down on worlds of the Material Plane. With enough time, connections, and coin, one can find anything in Sigil's markets. Adizzying array of coinage flows through Sigil. It doesn't matter where a coin was minted-if it's made of precious metal and the weight is right, the money is usually good. However, some traders are particular about the currencies they accept. An efreeti merchant selling instruments from the City of Brass might accept only rainbow sapphires from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Perhaps a night hag hawking rare spell components refuses all currency but fresh larvae from Hades, while a bone devil 3.


might siphon years off the buyer's life as payment for a diabolical blade. Buyers can find goods of every shape, size, and sort in one of Sigil's many marketplaces, the largest of which is the Great Bazaar (see the "Market Ward" section later in this chapter), though individual businesses 1ie scattered among the wards.

Snnvrcns Any and every service is for sale in the Cage. Courier services staffed by mephits, imps, and lantern archons (see Morte's Planar Parade) carry messages across planar boundaries. Brave exterminators rid buildings of cranium rats, curses, and dangerous affiictions. Clandestine agencies offer escape from infernal debt collectors or other looming perils by killing their clients, keeping the bodies safe and preserved, and resurrecting them when trouble has died down, sometimes years or decades later.

Travelers from across the multiverse flood the city, whose establishments cater to a diverse clientele. Taverns and inns are common, their taprooms shaped by the fantastical folk who own them-angels, githzerai, and a host of friendly monsters who scrape by in the City of Doors. No matter where a visitor is from, they can find familiar comforts in Sigil.

GnrrrNc AnouNp Knowing where to look for something one needs is made challenging by Sigil's prodigious sprawl. Without the aid of magic or in-depth knowledge of portals within the city and their destinations, navigating the Cage is a dizzying affaft. Fortunately, two services exist throughout Sigil to help travelers find their way: sedan chairs and touts. Visitors to the Clerks'Ward can also hire the cabs of Tba Street Transit (see the "Clerks'Ward" section).

SnoeN Csarns Sedan chairs are comfortable chairs carried by burly types, Humanoid or otherwise. Sedan chairs act as a citywide taxi service, lingering near civic buildings, municipal hubs, and marketplaces. A typical sedan chair ride costs 1 sp per passenger and can carry two Medium or smaller creatures to a destination in Sigil, but there are some places they simply won't go-like Undersigil or unsafe parts of the Hive Ward. Heavier chairs that ferry larger customers or groups exist, carried by brawny creatures such as ogres or umber hulks. These deluxe chairs cost more, a minimum of 1 gp per passenger, and those who carry them might be willing to travel to dangerous areas of the city for an extra fee.


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r Tours Touts are independent local guides and translators who know the ins and outs of Sigil's wards. The best touts know shortcuts through the city to hidden gems offthe beaten paths. A typical tout charges 2 sp per hour of guidance.

More reliable touts vetted by influential clients charge premium prices, starting at2 gp per hour. Touts who speak more esoteric languages, who have connections with one or more factions, or who can provide magical assistance can command upward of 20 gp per hour.

LeNcuncB \s people and beings from everywhere find their u-ay to Sigil, every conceivable language comes

ii-ith them. Common is the most frequently spoken language. The fact that Common-speaking travelers

irom different worlds can meet in Sigil and understand one another perplexes linguists and suggests that the language originated in Sigil. Creatures native to Sigil are typically fluent in Common and one other language. Visitors who need help communicating can alivays find touts willing to translate for a price. This service extends to the Cant, a complex local slang heard in some corners of the citv.

Locar NursaNcns While Sigil's inhabitants potentially pose the greatest threat to those exploring the city, two dangers pervade Sigil: cranium rats and razorvine.

CneNruu Rers Rats thrive on the garbage that gathers in Sigil's alleys and sewers. Common and giant rats are found throughout the Cage, as are variant cranium rats

known as squeakers (further detailed it Morte's Planar Parade). Adapted to the city, squeakers share their psionic abilities with citizens to create a citywide communication network, though some cranium rat swarms have agendas of their own.

RezonvrNn Farming in Sigil is virtually nonexistent due to the scarcity of arable land. Outside of private gardens and the occasional community plot, the only plant that flourishes in the City of Doors is razorvine, a prickly hazard native to the Lower Planes. This black, creeping ivy has broad, glossy leaves with razor-sharp stems and thorns. Work crews fight the rapidly growing weed from overrunning the city. Others use razorvine strategically to deter intruders by letting it grow along estate walls or as carefully cultivated hedges. Rules for razorvine can be found inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide.

Ponrars Sigil boasts more planar portals than any other location in the multiverse. These innumerable doors link locations in Sigil to destinations on other planes or elsewhere in the city. Any opening in the City of Doors might be one of these magic gateways. Fundamental to any Planescape campaign, portals are further detailed inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide and the sections below.

Ponrer Besrcs Most portals aren't always open. Instead, they open at certain times, when a particular condition is met, in response to a command word or phrase, or when a traveler is holding a particular object called a portal key. When a creature with a portal's key crosses a portal's threshold, the portal remains open until the start of that creature's next turfl. Portals are usually invisible when they're inactive (including to detect ma§r'c spells), but they can be detected by the true seein§ or warp sense spell (see chapter 1 ofthis book for a description ofthe latter). When a portal activates, it lypically becomes outlined in light with its destination visible beyond.

PonrRr Kxvs A portal key can be any sort of object or a particular key created for that portal. Keys often bear some symbolic connection to their destination, such as a silver sphere for the Astral Plane, a length of chain for Carceri, or a white lily for Elysium. The key functions on either side of a portal, be it in Sigil or its destination. Far rarer are portal keys that aren't objects. These can be simple or strange: a type of creature, a memory in the traveler's mind, or a whistled tune.

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C1"l'r- aii:

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*A ,-i*ii. fo a pla*ai. traveler

Ct'l;r.l'-f iil:. : i -siüIL, 'f ilI

only one way, either

into or out of Sigil. The portal isn't visible or detectable from the exit side.


Shifting. One end of the portal moves in a pattern between different locations in Sigil or the destina-

tion plane.


Slow, After a creature enters the portal, 2d4 days pass before the creature appears at its destination, during which time the creature is trapped in a stasis and is unaware of the passage of time.


Taxing. The portal's energy is unstable. A creature

that passes through the portal must succeed on a DC l0 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of


Leadi fc

t*.'o h".dred {eef. Pi.ocee.i


Ponrnl Qutnxs d5 Portal Quirk I One-Way. The portal functions


Temporary. The portal allows only ld6 + 6 travelers

to pass through in either direction, then vanishes.


d,'"f -f.,1lfo"Ii,*ately


Some portals have strange magical quirks. If you want to dress up a standard portal, roll on the Portal Quirks table or choose from its examples.


o* p"bLicLy available

r""^ieipal data, the for!aL't^

o{ *l^irh lou


exhau stio n.


"i.,JARI'fiN6, Bareoi


Tumbling Lock. Every time the portal is opened, it requires a different portal key.

CnnerrNc A PoRTAL You can create portals quickly by choosing or rolling on the Planar Portals table. First, decide whether the portal's destination resides in Sigil or on another plane. Then, roll on the table twice: once to generate a portal anchor-the physical location in Sigil where the portal exists-and again for a destination and its thematically related portal keys. Sigil destinations appear in the "Sigil Gazetteer" section later in this chapter. The planes of existence are detailed inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide.

Plarunn Ponrals Destination


Portal Anchor


Other Plane

Sample Keys


Carved wooden arch

Stein, war horn

Revolving door

Bottle and Jug Face of Cith




N/elting ice, red slaad egg

07-o9 Shattered window



Brick from an infirmary, tattered paper fan


Sewer pipe

lnfinite Well

The Abyss

Celestial blood, demon ichor


Cell door



Broken key, length ofchain


Open grave

Dead Nations





Furnace door




rease Pit



Faceless mask, scrap of gray cloth


Cehen na

Bloody knife, Iava rock

The Nine Hells

Pinch ofsulfur, signed contract



Broken blade, medal

28-30 Clock tower face

High Courts

M echan u s

Metal cog, perfectly balanced scales


Creat Foundry


34-36 Temple window

Heart's Fire

Mount Celestia

Angel feather, holy water


Hall ofSpeakers


Carden trowel, pair of twins

Elysiu m

Tears of joy, white lily

The Beastlands

Animal tooth, fresh wildflower

ron gate

Razorvine trellis

Ornate mirror


Rune-inscribed ingot, sprig ofgrapes


40-42 Reflecting pool


43-45 Stable gate

Flame Pits

46-48 Carden arch

Civic Festhall


Boisterous Iaughter, pinprick from a thorn



Fortune's Wheel

The Outlands

Stone from the Spire, spoked wheel


Bedroom closet

Planar Energy Cooperative

Ethereal Plane

Burial shroud, phase spider mandible

rtyard gate

atehou se



Shattered Temple

Astral Plane

Scrap of githyanki armor, silver sphere



Creat Bazaar

Elemental Plane of Air

lncense smoke, silken scarf


Cellar door

Tower Sorcerous

Elemental Plane of Earth

Cranite cube, metal ore


Blazing hearth

Smoldering Corpse Bar

Elemental Plane of Fire

Brass brazier, burning coal

78-80 Crumbling well

The Ditch

Elemental PIane of Water

Pearl, pure water




Mausoleum entrance




Crave dirt, mourner's veil


91-94 Yew wardrobe

Parted Veil


Book of Iimericks, toadstool


Human-shaped hole


Far Realm

Alien fossil, bezoar


lnn room door

Ubiquitous Wayfarer

Material Plane

Childhood toy, map scroll

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To rHE HowLrNG oaRKNEss


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Lanv or Paix ":''

The greatest entity in Sigil is the Lady of Pain, an eternal being who watches over the Cage. She appears almost human, although she most definitely isn't. She wears ornate robes that shroud her body, and a mantle of blades coated in blue-green verdigris surrounds her masklike face. No one is certain who or what exactly the Lady of Pain is, but it's widely accepted she's a being on par with deities. Strong enough to bar gods and their ilk from entering her city, the Lady of Pain forbids followers of her own. To worship her is more than taboo; it is an unforgivable crime punishable by imprisonment in the Mazes. The Lady maintains the cosmic neutrality of Sigil. The city doesn't take part in the Blood War, it doesn't throw its weight behind the shining righteousness of Mount Celestia or contracts originating in the Nine Hells, and it's never a battleground for the conflicts of Material Plane worlds. On rare occasions, the Lady of Pain drifts through the streets, hovering above the ground. Creatures that interfere with her are flayed by her stare or vanish into nothingness as she turns to face them. Wise travelers give the Lady a wide berth, finding pressing business elsewhere as she passes by. Some locals claim that the Lady's features occasionally take on a golden or steely sheen. Whether this is in response to threats to her city or other influences is a mystery.

Residents of Sigil view the Lady of Pain with fearful awe. A distant guardian, she leaves the city's

daily governance to the many factions that call it home. She has no residence, and no temples to her exist within the city. The Lady's means of protecting Sigil are the dabus, the Mazes, and her complete control over the city's portals.

Desus Dabus are silent, floating beings who serve the Lady of Pain. Found only in Sigil, dabus communicate through visual rebuses, conjured illusory images that convey their thoughts. Dabus maintain Sigil's infrastructure, repairing crumbling buildings, ensuring portals function properly, cutting back rampantrazorvite, and patching city streets. To most citizens of Sigil, dabus are nothing more than cryptic workers, yet these mysterious beings also punish those who disrupt city life.

Whatever opposes the Lady's edicts or the smooth functioning of Sigil, dabus work to correct. For more details on dabus, see Morte's Pla' nar Parade.

Tnn Mezns The Mazes are demiplanar cages created by the Lady of Pain. Reserved for would-be power mongers and dissidents who threaten the city on a grand scale-or foolishly target the Lady herself-the Mazes swallow their prisoners in an instant. The Mazes resemble a dense labyrinth of empty streets and alleys in Sigil but are devoid of life and repeat endlessly. No magic allows a creature banished to the Mazes to escape or communicate with the planes beyond. Creatures in the Mazes don't require food, drink, or sleep and are cursed to an indefinite, isolated existence. An urban legend states the Lady of Pain leaves a single portal in every Maze,bttt finding the escape route is all but impossible for the imprisoned, as even if such portals exist, they can't be detected through magical means. The few who claim to have escaped the Mazes are quickly

branded as liars.

LocrrNc rHE


Sigil's portals operate at the Lady of Pain's will, as do the few permanent teleportation circles hidden among the city's wards. Her influence stops spells and other features from allowing creatures to enter or leave the city. She even bars gods from stepping foot in the city-a ban she can extend to anyone at any time. The Lady knows when any creature uses a portal and can block that creature from entering or leaving, but she reserves this intervention for extreme circumstances. During times of great strife, notably when Sigil's factions war openly against one another, the Lady can cause all the city's portals to cease functioning. This grinds the city to a halt; food and drink can't enter the city, sewage and refuse pool in the streets, and corpses stack in the Mortuary with no hope of being interred. This compels the factions to quickly resolve their conflicts.

INrnnnnRrNG wrrH THE LADY The Lady of Pain is omnipresent, unknowable, and invincible. With a look, she can flense troublesome creatures to within an inch of their lives. Any creature that targets her with an attack, a spell, or any other hostile or prying effect-in some cases so much as speaking to her-is assailed by overwhelming pain and immediately drops to t hit point. If the creature hasn't learned its lesson, the Lady sends it to the Mazes in the next blink. Similar to other godlike beings, the Lady of Pain has no stat block. She is beyond the ability of characters to defeat by conventional means.


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FacrroNs oF Srcrr On the Outer Planes, belief shapes reality. Cosmic concepts such as law and chaos can imbue true believers with newfound power, and when enough creatures unite under one ideology, their beliefs can remold the planes themselves. In Sigil, this power rests with the factions, like-minded philosophers guided by cosmic truths about the multiverse and its workings. Their philosophies are often associated

with a plane or realm.

Factions control aspects of civic existence in Sigil, governing the day-to-day needs of a thriving metropolis, such as entertainment or law enforcement. Despite their influence within the city, factions have been erased from the city in the past, and current factions tread carefully to avoid that fate for themselves. They actively recruit new members from cilizenry, travelers, and even the ranks of other factions. In the meantime, they vie for power in the Cage in a way that doesn't upset Sigil's order or provoke the Lady of Pain. Factions are led by individuals known as factols. These leaders embody their groups' philosophies and serve different roles depending on their factions' needs. Factols and their delegates also represent their factions in a council that debates and passes laws in the Hall of Speakers (see the "Clerks'Ward" section later in this chapter). Most factions also have a physical headquarters in Sigil where they carry out aspects of civic governance. Within these areas, both geographical and influential, dedicated midranking faction members called factotums act as offrcers, furthering the interests of their factions within the city as clerks, squad leaders, and tutors. Factotums also keep an eye out for promising recruits to their philosophy.

AscnNoeNT FACTToNS Factions wax and wane, shifting the balance of power in Sigil. The most influential factions are known as ascendant factions, widely recognized groups that oversee aspects of daily life in the city. Currently Sigil has twelve ascendant factions. The following sections present these factions, along with notes on their leaders, sites in Sigil that serve as their headquarters (detailed later in this chapter), planes on which they operate, common members, common nicknames, and their roles in the City of Doors.


!'-fal ? I St{lf L. T'i'{ir i-1TY i-:l'ilcalk:i


Who Claim the Gods Are Frauds

Factot Terrance Headquarters: Shattered Temple Aligned Plane: Astral Plane Members: Disillusioned worshipers, skeptics Epithet: Defiers The Athar believe that the gods are impostors. For all their might, the so-called deities are merely mortals who have accumulated enough power to convince the rest of the multiverse otherwise. With enough time, talent, and dedication, anyone could ascend to godhood. Defiers accept that there might be true deities that oversee everything, but such beings are beyond comprehension. They assert that worshipers of the gods draw their power from unknowable sourcesfalse gods simply take the credit. The Athar aren't fools. They let the powers that be call themselves gods, while the faction works subtly to discover the secret behind the curtain of the multiverse and look on the unknowable. The Athar are led by Factol Terrance (neutral good, human Athar null; see Morte's Planar Parade). While many Defiers become bitter, Terrance remains compassionate, pointing wayward souls toward truth like a friendly guide-a guardian and shepherd of priests who fa1l from their previous devotions. Terrance reveres an entity known as the Greater Unknown, which he believes is the source of a1l divine power.

Faction Attire. Defiers wear geometric, starry fabrics that hint at their astral ties. They adorn their outfits with silver chains and broken holy symbols. RoIe in S1§r7. The Athar gather in the Shattered Temple, a place once dedicated to Aoskar, a nowdead god of portals. Rather than serve in Sigil's government, the Athar's self-appointed spy network closely surveils the city's faiths. When a temple pushes a god's influence too strongly, the Athar either deal with the problem themselves or leak the information to a faction that will, such as the Harmonium. The Athar regard members of the Mind's Eye as allies.






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DND 5E Dungeons &amp; Dragons Planescape Sigil and The Outlands Scan - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.