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July 2025 Babies
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Partner, any of your parents/ siblings/ relatives, a best friend, Doula? And if you've given birth before, who did you have in the room for prior deliveries?
I'm thinking just my husband and we might have a doula since it's our first. No one else, other than the hospital team.
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Only had my husband with me the first time and hoping to have it the same way this time around. I know no body else is gonna be of help during labor as much as his presence. Plus him being there, witnessing it all and us going through it alone brings in a whole another meaning and respect to the relationship in my opinion.
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Probably just my husband because my parents will have my daughter and I’ll be dammed if my mother in law shows up to see me spread eagle ��
All of this in hoping I’ll be able to try for a vbac!
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My partner will be with me and I’m thinking of getting a doula this time around.
My parents will have my daughter so my mom won’t be in the room this time around.
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I think my hospital only allows one person so it’ll be my husband. But if I could have anyone else it would definitely have my daughter. She’s older and already so excited to be a big sister (she’s been asking for a sibling for years��) I think it’d be so special if she could see them be brought into the world
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Just my husband, same with my first. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with anyone outside of him and medical staff (or someone like a doula). I ended up with a failed induction turned c section with my first and it was traumatic enough for my hubby to see that so I wouldn’t want anyone else too lol �� ��
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my partner and that is all. I don’t even want visitors at the hospital or for the first week. I gave birth to my first in 2020 and only could have my husband there and absolutely no visitors and it was honestly so nice and all the nurses commented on how it was so much better for all the moms not constantly having people pop in and out while trying to breast feed or while the baby was sleeping. When we went home after only 24 hours we didn’t allow visitors for the first two weeks while we were adjusting and it was so great to have that time and not feel like I needed to entertain people or feel obligated to hand over my baby to someone or feel uncomfortable kicking them out so I could breast feed. I want this again but I know there will be more pressure from our families this time since we can’t really fall back on Covid as the reason like we did before.
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This would be my first but I plan to have husband only. I just can’t deal with anyone else like mom or in-laws. I honestly would prefer no one even visit at the hospital but that might cause a world war.
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With my first it was just my husband and he was amazing! But this time around I’m having a doula with me so I can have an advocate, I’m a little scarred from my first experience due to medical malpractice. I’ll be at a completely different hospital this time too.
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Me giving birth is not a show! No one but my husbnad is invited lol. He is super quiet and calm and lets the nurses do their thing, which is what I want out of my non-medical support person. He slept my entire labor until it was time to push with my first. With the second he had to run around arranging childcare for our daughter so he didn't get there until I'd already been at the hospital for several hours. Honestly it was perfect. I can advocate for myself and I like feeling autonomous.
I'd love it if my parents and siblings showed up at the hospital the next day though. I had my prior babies during covid and my siblings lived out of state so no one visited me. It felt lonely during a time when I really wanted support.
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Just my husband and doula during the actual delivery. BUT… my mom and dad were in the room literally up until I started pushing �� I told my husband they WILL NOT be in the room that long this time. I did it unmedicated and literally couldn’t function enough to tell them to leave, so I’m pretty sure my dad will forever be scarred by the things he saw ������♀️
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